Next Contra 0n March 28th!
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Next Contra 0n March 28th!
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Online Videos of Contra Dancing ~ Short YouTube excerpts of contra dancing across the USA.
The reason we are here is to have fun!
Be welcoming and kind to everyone.
Graciously accept when someone says “no” to a dance.
Respect personal space of your partner and others on the dance floor. Keep your partner safe. Ask before you twirl, dip, lift.
Communicate your dance preferences to your partner.
Respect diversity of ages, values, and lifestyles.
All PHXTMD dances are called using gender-neutral language.
AZ Contra ~ PHXtmd’s list of contra dances in Arizona.
CDSS ~ The Country Dance and Song Society. An umbrella organization for most Contra & English dance organizations in the USA
DanceDB National Grid (by day of month) ~ Another good site by Ted Crane.
Festivals, Camps, & Weekends ~ Charlie Seelig’s list of festivals, camps, and weekends.
[definition: Contra/English Dance Gypsy - A contra or English dancer who will travel many hours, hundreds of miles, and cross state lines to attend contra dances while on vacation or not!]
CDSS ~ The Country Dance and Song Society. An umbrella organization for most Contra & English dance organizations in the USA and Canada.
NEFFA ~ The New England Folk Festival Association.
The Lloyd Shaw Foundation ~ Dedicated to the preservation, restoration and teaching of the folk dances of America.
National Folk Organization ~ Formed in 1986 to preserve, promote and provide opportunities in the folk arts.
Lavender Country and Folk Dancers ~ An umbrella organization for gender role free dance clubs.
The Irish Cultural Center ~ The goal of the Irish Cultural Center is to provide the public with the highest quality educational and cultural programming. The Center is owned by the City of Phoenix and is operated through public private partnership with the Irish Cultural and Learning Foundation.
Dance Resources, Compositions, and Indices ~ Produced by Charlie Seelig.